Sent off chapters 7 to 10 today to my prospective agent, at the end of a day of leave. Feel very pleased. Also sailed over the 99,000 word mark with some last minute splicing in of new sources. One of my favourite bits added today:
Contemporaries described the fire as (amongst other things), “fearfully imposing” and “the acme of sublime terror”. Sometimes the effect was eerie, even chilling. In the darkness, viewed from the white-stuccoed palazzi overlooking the trees across St James’ Park, “the many and monster-tongued flames…seemed to be moving and twisting, seeking fresh objects to involve in the ravening jaws of destruction.” The moon turned blood-red as fire-charged smoke ran across its face. The inhuman sounds of the wind and the flames were, “deeply awful, and seemed as distinct from the vulgar clatter and clamour of the mob, as do the solemn notes of the cathedral organ from the squeaking of the itinerant hurdy-gurdy”.