So, with just a week to go until publication of The Day Parliament Burned Down, the story behind the story… When I began work at the Parliamentary Archives in 1999, I often found myself having to tell readers in our public searchroom that nearly all of the historic Commons’ records were lost in the fire of […]
Getting an Agent
Dustshoveller joins the Twitterati
Very exciting news on the book emerging over the last week, which I hope to be able to divulge shortly… In the meantime, I have joined Twitter @dustshoveller…tweet you there!
Stage Five: Agent Secured!
All has gone quiet for a few weeks on this blog, but behind the screen, a veritable ferment of activity has been taking place which I am only now able to reveal. Within two days of sending out the six submissions on 21/22 February I had received three requests from agents to send through the full […]
Stage Four: Seeking an Agent. Again.
After a long weekend, using up most of my remaining leave for the year, I have completed the final chapters. And today, Monday, about ten minutes ago, I sent off postal submissions containing a covering letter, CV, synopsis and first three chapters to four agents. Another will go off by post tomorrow, and a final one by email […]
Stage Three: Seeking an Agent
Last Friday I was contacted by the very reputable and well-known agent who had been so interested in the book in November. Sadly, she has been overwhelmed by other work and thinks I would be better served by someone else. She hasn’t had time to read the stuff I’ve been trickling through since November, and […]
Stage Two: Serious Stuff
Today and tomorrow I have taken as leave, to work on the book. I’m now knitting together new references and polishing chapters 4 to 7, which are all interlinked. But most importantly, and very excitingly, today I met the agent who will be representing me, all being well. We had a half-hour meeting at her office, discussed future book plans, likely publishers […]